1 thing we feel unhappy is the 2nd appointment, which is our collection key date. Due to the SELFISH seller, we have to wait for so long! Guess what, they need 2 months to renovate their HDB mezzaine! Amazing right! Before this, we had given them 60 days OTP which is consider VERY considerate of us! Shxx! Pardon me, just feel the seller are a selfish PIG!
Cool down....since we buy house, should feel happier isn't it! Relac............ Happy :)
We went to the lawyer firm straight after ended at HDB Hub, to signed our letter with Bank, what else -> Bank Loan! We gotten bank loan from OCBC bank, where they given the best rates compare other bank. Too bad we couldn't take HDB Loan, else the interest would be more stable -_-
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